泰皇吊烧鸡 Roasted Chicken with Thai Salad Sauce

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肥鸡 1只(1.8公斤 )
盐4 汤匙、糖1汤匙、五香粉1汤匙、鸡精粉1茶匙
1. 肥鸡除毛和内脏,清洗干净备用。
2. 麦芽糖加热水搅拌溶解后和其它材料混合均匀备用。(图1)
3. 调味料参在一起捞均匀备用。(图2)
4. 烧开热水然后拿来淋肥鸡至到整只鸡受热均匀,然后把2汤匙的调味料倒入鸡肚里搽均匀,以上色料涂抹整只鸡的外部。(图3-5)
5. 用勾勾起鸡吊在通风处,最后再上色一次,然后用风扇吹2个小时或到皮干即可。(图6)
6. 烧热烤炉,把吹干了的肥鸡挂进炉烤45分钟。(图7)
7. 烤好了的鸡砍小件上碟,然后把配料捞均匀,最后铺在鸡上面即可。(图8)

1 whole chicken (about 1.8kg)
50ml Chinese red vinegar, 50ml white vinegar, 2 tbsp maltose, 100ml water
【Sub- ingredients】
100g onion, 80g green mango, 2 red chili (juliennes all), 150g Thai chili sauce
4 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp 5 spiced powder, 1 tsp chicken powder
1. Clean and wash chicken, drain.
2. Dissolve maltose with hot water, and then mixes with other graze ingredients. (pic 1)
3. Mixes all seasoning ingredients. (pic 2)
4. Boil water and use it to rinse the chicken evenly; rub the cavity with 2 tbsp of seasoning mixture, and then rub its whole body with graze mixture. (pic 3-5)
5. Hook up the chicken at open space, graze its whole body again and blow by fan for 2 hours until the skin dry up. (pic 6)
6. Pre-heat oven, put in chicken and grill for 45 minutes. (pic 7)
7. Chop grilled chicken in small pieces and arrange on plate, combine sub-ingredients and place on top of
chicken, done. (pic 8)

